Saturday, May 14, 2011

Definition of Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing

When I bumped into words, such as endocrinology, toxicology and drug testing, I've remembered one of my folks saying
"What you take in, makes who you are". 

It's been quite a while though. Well, I thought of what's the connect of that to those three terms?  Maybe you too.  I have thought of it and I arrived at the understanding that those terms are related to our body, that when we take food or drugs, it definitely affects of how our body will respond or become later on.

When you think of those terms, I know you would really be of shock or say "whatever".  These terms may be really toxic especially when you've heard it for the first time.

So, I would like to start with some light and understandable definitions of each.

To start of, let me define endocrinology.
Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system, which involves the different structure and function of endocrine glands.  These endocrine glands which secretes specific hormones are its primary concern, together with the diseases that goes with it. 

Second will be toxicology, when I first heard of it, drugs are the one thing that popped in my mind.  Since I believe that drugs are toxic if you exceed to the required dosage, while others are in their nature to be toxic to the human body. So therefore, toxicology may also be focused on toxins and environmental poisons
that you and I may be encountering everyday.

And third is drug testing.  For me, drug testing deals with body fluids like saliva, blood, urine and the like, which are used for making an examination 
about any presence or adverse  activity of drug in the human body.